
Local Resources..

Welcome to the REAL Bloomington, Indiana. The information and links listed on this page are to help you survive life in this often not-so-fair city. This information and these links have been provided by individuals who have firsthand experience with  living safely and surviving on the streets of B-town.
Hungry and broke?
Here are some places that you can score some FREE FOOD
All of the programs listed below depend on volunteers.  
Don't be an ingrate when they fill your plate!

Shalom Community Center's Hunger Relief Program.
Breakfast (8-9:30) and lunch (12-1:30) are served Monday through Friday, and a weekly food pantry for families with children at Templeton Elementary on Fridays from 2-3pm.

Community Kitchen.
917 S Rogers Street sit down meals
Community Kitchen serves dinner from 4-6pm, Monday - Saturday all year long, with no questions asked. These meals consist of a main entree, a vegetarian option, side vegetable, salad, fruit, desserts and beverages.

Geno's Cafeteria.
Anyone from the community is welcome to join us for meals at Geno’s Cafeteria Soup Kitchen.
Breakfast: Saturday morning only (8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.)
Lunch: Monday - Saturday (11 a.m. - 12 p.m.)
Dinner: Monday - Friday (4 - 5 p.m.)

Bread of Life Soup for the Soul Mission.
Bread of Life Soup for the Soul Mission serves their
community every Saturday behind the Monroe County Library at 3:00.
*Look for the red and white Mission Mobile!* 

Hoosier Hills Food Bank.
The Hoosier Hills Food Bank serves local hunger agencies in Monroe, Brown, Lawrence, Orange, Owen, and Martin Counties. Everyday in the United States, many families have to make difficult choices when it comes to the basic necessities of food, shelter, healthcare, and childcare. Free food is available to those in need. 