You have heard rumors of the existence of the Ⓐnti-Society.

No doubt you have formed your own picture of it.
You have imagined a huge underworld of conspirators,
meeting secretly in cellars, scribbling messages on walls,
recognizing one another by code words
or by special movements of the hand.

I tell you that the Anti-Society exist,
but I cannot tell you whether it numbers a hundred members,
or ten million.
From your personal knowledge you will never be able to say.

The Ⓐnti-Society cannot be wiped out
because it is not an organization in the ordinary sense.

Nothing holds it together except an idea
which is indestructible.

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Independent Media CenterImage via Wikipedia

In light of the current global events that have been going on A.S.t.v. brings you a documentary about the Pittsburgh G20 Protests, and the Police Occupation of the University of Pittsburgh. This film is a collaboration between Pittsburgh Indymedia, Chicago Indymedia, Twin Cities Indymedia, and the Glass Bead Collective. Expect a future version with even more footage, and more analysis about the G20 and the Occupation of Pitt.

You can also keep track of the current "occupations" going on Globally, live as it happens via the Livestream feed above!