
Friday, July 25, 2014

A new resistance!

This is a great project!

A New Resistance!

"Glyphosate. It is the key ingredient in "Roundup," a broad-spectrum weed killer developed by Monsanto. It has become the number one selling herbicide worldwide, due to the increase in the planting of Monsanto’s Roundup Ready Crops, which are genetically engineered to withstand multiple applications of the weed killer during the growth cycle. It is also used in residential gardens and neighborhood parks around the world. For 20 + years Monsanto has claimed that this proprietary weed killer is safe. 
But a host of recent studies have linked Roundup and glyphosate to an alarming number of diseases threatening animal and human health; including obesity, infertility, cancer, celiac disease, gluten intolerance, irritable bowel syndrome, autism and Alzheimer’s Disease. Also, we now understand that it is inside our bodies. More importantly, it is entering the bodies of our newborn children through breast milk.
In July 2013, despite countless letters and documents submitted in protest, the Environmental Protection Agency raised the maximum allowable residues of glyphosate in our food (most likely to accommodate the levels already routinely detected) - up to 30 times higher. Now officials are attempting to raise the allowable chemical residue of glyphosate in many important food crops that we eat everyday, including vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes, flax and sunflower seeds. The current allowable levels are already many times higher than has been shown to destroy the gut bacteria of chickens… so what is it doing to us?
It is time to investigate glyphosate’s impact on human health and the environment. It's time to stop raising the residue limits for a chemical that has potentially harmful effects on our health. It's time to stop the use of glyphosate altogether, unless and until peer-reviewed independent studies of glyphosate prove its use to be unquestionably safe."